Saturday, August 25, 2007

Long Time No See

Wow there are so many things now to update and try and keep up with I tend to forget about my blog, I joined another wonderful street team on etsy called BEAD can search for members items by using BEADU...I have also joined a couple of social networks...WE Love Etsy and Indiepublic, along with my EGA forums and my new etsy store it is getting really tought to remember to update everything.

My parents stopped by to say hi a couple of weeks ago, they were here to send the dogs back to my sisters in Texas on the "RED EYE" mom and dad had been looking after them while my sister was working overseas, but the time came to send them they are visiting with me before they headed for the airport...cute or what....and yes I mean the dogs!!!

Their names are Barkley and Dougal and during their visit my cats cowered under a bed...after having been chased out from under the couches by the dogs...too funny!!!

Grey grizzly day here today, spent about 5 hours at the torch this morning and then spent my afternoon making cell phone charms....check it out.

Now Lets see...ummmmmmmmmm update on my daughters VW is still at the repair shop..we are now up to about 7000.00 in repairs on top of the initial cost and we are in talks with the dealership to try and get that money preference would be to never see that piece of !#@#%@ again...but that probably is not going to we have owned it since July 8th and it has been driven by my daughter one day...and had about 10 trips to the repair shop and been towed twice...can you say LEMON!!!

And that is all that is fit to print..I will try really hard to get back here a little more often.

Have a wonderful week.


Sandra Eileen said...

so very sorry about the VW.... that is bad.

the dogs are adorable, I bet they will be happy to see your sister again.

Glass House Jewelry said...

Cute charms! They look like they were fun to make.